Workers Compensation in New York

Workers compensation insurance is mandated by the state and each business owner must provide the proper New York workers comp coverage.  This coverage can be confusing so you need a professional insurance agent to assist you in finding the right coverage at an affordable price.

Factors to consider in searching for workers comp insurance in New York include:
  1. Claims.A big factor in your premium will include any past claims and the cost of those past claims.
  2. Risk.The risk of having a work-related injury is a major factor in your work comp policy.Having a safer work place will help in finding a better rate on your coverage.
  3. Employees.The number of employees will determine your work comp rate & coverage options.Your total payroll also comes into consideration for your work comp coverage.

Get a quote from our risk advisors to see how you can make your workplace safer and save on your workers compensation coverage in New York.